
I love food. There is no denying it, I absolutely and completly love food, and I love to eat!

Yesterday I had scrabbled eggs, bason and toast for breakfast, and a little later on I had some fruit (an apple, an orange, and a banana).

For lunch I had some salmon, and a salad and some potatos.

Then Jollean called me and told me to come down and sit with her while she had her lunch. As usual she didn't finish it all so I ended up having half a grilled cheese sandwhich and half her french fries.

I went home, and my cousin was there. He invited me and my mom out for dinner with the family, and I obviously couldn't say no! We went to the Hong Kong Inn, and we all ordered a dish and each got a plate, and just spilt it all up between us.

I filled my plate once and finished it.
I filled my plate a second time and finished it.
I filled my plate a third time and finished it!

We went home and I had some coffee, and sat down to watch some TV.

Jollean called me, and said she and Avery were going out for dinner and asked if I wanted to come along, I declined but said I would come by later.
I went down later and they had just ordered their food! It came down on the table and all of a sudden I was hungry again!

Well I ate most of Jollean's fries, and some of Avery's, and I had the 2 peices of cantelope off both of their plates, that's 4 pieces.

I was pretty full by the end of the day, but I slept it off. I'm going to go eat breakfast now!

Ornithophobia - the fear of birds

I don't have Ornithophobia, but it's pretty damn close.

I hate birds, I always have, and I've never had a very plesant experience with them.

When I was 6 years old, I was walking in Stanley Park from the hotdog vendor to my dad 10 feet away, holding my hotdog in my hand. A seagull came from behind me and took the hotdog right out of my hand! It cut my thumb really badly too, and until a few years ago I still had the scar. The scar on my thumb may have faded, but the scars on my psyche remain.

When I was 10 years old I was walking along the beach in Tsawwassen and a little mouse came out in front of me. It was SO cute, I crouched down and started getting closer and closer, and it wasn't moving at all. Just as I was about 2 feet away, a hawk came swooping down and picked it up, I was so close I could hear the mouse squeal! That hawk scared the hell outta me!!!

When I was 15 years old I was walking from my cousins house to a restaurant in Ladner, and it was a beautiful spring day, and at the time I had long curly blond hair. I was walkng along and 2 huge ravens came sweeping down and one of them literally took a chunk of my hair out. I freaked and screamed and the two crows backed off, but I was missing a piece of hair! I figured that would be the end of the bird craziness, but on the same day, during the same walk, two more ravens went for me as I was walking across a parking lot. One of these two cut my damn head with it's claw or beak. At this point I'm literally bleeding from the head and I decide these two were not going to get away so easy. Rather maliciously I waited for them to come for my head again, and swung around and hit one of them with my backpack, filled with books. It flew to the ground and I thought I had killed it, but after a few seconds it woke up, shook it's head, and flew off. Ahhh!

I bring all these experiences up because of last night.

I was walking from the bus stop to my house last night at about 1:00 am, coming from downtown. I got in front of my house and was on the phone with Jollean, and Whoosssshh! An OWL went for my head, it was damn close, and came swooping in front of me and came in again. I tried to hit it, but missed and SO just ran for my front door. It tried again, but didn't come under the breezeway and I was safe enough, for long enough, to get in the house.

All in, I really do not like birds, they really freak me out!

Birds and clowns.....bad.

A good word, Word of the Day:

obviate ..OB-vee-ayt.., transitive verb:
To prevent by interception; to anticipate and dispose of or make unnecessary

This word should have been introduced to some peoples mothers.


I am Such a dork!

+Kiss on the stomach = Im ready
+Kiss on the Forehead ="I hope we're together forever"
+Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
+Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
+Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
+Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together"
+Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
+Kiss on the Lips = I love you"

What the gesture means...
+Holding Hands = "we definitely love each other"
+Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
+Holding on tight = "I don't want to let go"
+Looking into each other's Eyes = "I just plain love you"
+Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me"
+Arms around the Waist = "I love you too much to let go"
+Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you"

+ Dont ask for a kiss, take one.
+If you were thinking about someone while reading this,you're definitely in Love.

Different colours for different boys.
Red: I like
Orange: Kinda creepy

Translators: Scapegoats for Misunderstandings.

This is what has taken me all term to write. It seems so sad when I see it all fit so easily into this box. I had SO much information, ie. about 7 translations of the Bible. The problem wasn't getting enough information, the problem was fitting it all into approximatly 1000 - 1500 words.

Various editions of the bible often give very different translations for the same passage. These errors, either scribal or translational have, in effect, become a new form of borrowing for the English language. Millward defines borrowed words as “(a word) that has been introduced at some time from another language.” [1] While mistranslated words are not intentionally borrowed into the language, often when they are put into respected publications, such as translations of the bible, they are inherently accepted as legitimate English words. There are many words in the English language that are the result of mistranslations or scribal errors. There are also many examples of mistranslated words, especially in the 1611 King James Version of the Bible, where those words “once written in such a prestigious publication are accepted as proper English words.”[2]
The word scapegoat entered our lexicon in approximately 1530 when William Tyndale mistranslated the Hebrew “azazel”[3]. It is believed that Tyndale read the word as “ez ozel” which in Hebrew literally means “goat that departs”. Tyndale then most likely related this phrase to a ceremony conducted on the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur by a Jewish high priest. On Yom Kippur, it is said that “the whole people of Israel must provide (the high priest) with two goats as victims for their faults…the two goats he will present before the Lord…one is to be the lords due, the other is for discharge…the one chosen for discharge must be presented before the Lord alive, to let intercession fall upon it and then be turned loose in the desert as to azazel”,[4] Tyndale interpreted the latter goat to be “azazel” or as he read it “ez ozel”, an escaped goat, and coined the term scapegoat. Scape is an aphetic form of the word escape, with the same meaning, thus a scapegoat, to Tyndale, was the goat that was released, or escaped into the desert.
Azazel is actually the name of a devil or demon in Jewish Mythology. Tyndale’s mistake was repeated many times in various translations of the bible including der ledige Bock, tragos aperkhomenos, and the French bouc émissaire. The Good News Bible, first published in 1966, referred to The Revised English Bible, first published in 1884, for restoring the original meaning and usage of the word Azazel as a demon. The Good News Bible even goes so far as to suggest that Azazel was the name of a desert demon. Along with most other current translations, both versions agree that Azazel was the demon to whom the second goat was sent, but also maintained the other meaning or interpretation of the word as “one who is blamed or punished for the mistakes or sins of others.”[5]
Another example of a mistranslated word is the word mystery. The word ‘mystery’ entered our language in the early 1300’s. Its non-theological meaning was “a hidden or secret thing”. In the classically theological sense the word means “religious truth via divine revelation, or the mystical presence of God.” The word could have come from the Latin mysterium of the Greek mysterion ‘a secret rite or doctrine’ or mystes, Greek for ‘to close or shut’. The Greek word mysterion was used correctly in Septuagint meaning a ‘secret counsel of God’. The Septuagint is the oldest known translation of the Bible from its original Hebrew into Greek. It is believed to have been translated in stages between the 3rd to 1st centuries, BC in Alexandria.[6] In the King James Version of the Bible, however, the word mystery is used to imply that we will never know, for example, what the second coming will be like. In the book of Hebrews, chapter one: The epistle of the blessed apostle Paul to the Hebrews, it is said that Paul starts by saying the second coming is as a ‘mysterion to a knave’. This implies to English readers that there is no way we could ever understand what the second coming could be like, when in actual fact the rest of the book of Hebrews goes on to describe it. The word mystery is mistranslated in the King James Version of the Bible as some idea that has a deep unknown or an unknowable idea beyond any hope of comprehension. The actual meaning is translated correctly in modern bibles as a ‘secret, or a secret soon to be revealed’.
The word ‘worship’ was also mistranslated. In Present Day English it is a noun and a verb. As a noun it most commonly means a “reverent honour and homage paid to God or to any object regarded as sacred”. As a transitive verb it means “to honour and love as a deity” or as an intransitive verb “to participate in religious rites of worship.” Etymologically the word ‘worship’ has been in our lexicon since Old English a worðscip, wurðscip or weorðscipe. In Old English times the word meant “the condition of being worthy or honoured or renowned praise.” It was first recorded in approximately 1300 as meaning “reverence paid to a supernatural or divine being”. The verb ‘to worship’ was first recorded circa 1200. During the translation of the Kings James Version of the Bible in 1611 one of the scribes mistranslated a word in Daniel 3:5. Even in newly printed bibles the mistake is carried on. Daniel 3:5 reads “as soon as you hear the sound of horn, flute, hard zither, dulcimer, pipe and other instruments of music, you are to fall down and worship the image of gold which King Nabuchodonosor has set up.”[7] The word ‘worship’ here is mistranslated; it should actually be ‘praise’. Hebrew did have the word worship, but in all other passages in which it appears in the bible, the word is referring to the posture a person should be in while ‘praising the Lord’. The word in Hebrew has nothing to do with the action of praising and the word is not a verb in Hebrew. The word in the King James Version of the Bible would have been more realistically translated as ‘grovel’, but John Bois, a translator of the King James Version of the Bible said in his footnotes “the word ‘grovel’ was inappropriate for what the text actually meant.”[8]
If one accepts as a given that the Bible, or other books translated from, or inspired by the original Hebrew texts, are well respected books among western and middle eastern culture, then the impact of mistranslations can surely be appreciated. While one cannot necessarily see the word ‘scapegoat’ as having any particular impact on society as a whole, the mistranslations of the words ‘worship’ and ‘mystery’ could affect many culture beliefs systems. For example in the Book of Hebrews a question could arise, is the second coming of Christ knowable or unknowable? The words ‘scapegoat’, ‘mystery’ and ‘worship’ are just three of the many mistranslated words in various editions of the Bible. When reading the Bible with a 21st century understanding of Present Day English, the exact meaning of the passages can very easily be misunderstood or misinterpreted.
[1] Millward, pg.46
[2] The English Bible from KJV to NIV: a History and Evaluation.
[3] Leviticus xvi:8,10,26, Original Hebrew Manuscript.
[4] Leviticus 16:5-10, Knox Version
[5] Lev.16:10 Revised Version, footnotes.
[6] Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 15, Published 1988.
[7] Knox Version, published 1963
[8] Translating for King James : Notes made by a translator of the King James’s Bible, translated (into PDE) by Ward Allen, 1969.

Thank God it's over!


Do you ever have those kind of dreams where it's like you've just woken up into one of the possibilities for your life. Often in those dreams it's like all the informaton that your questioning seems entirly inherient to the 'character' you, but the you, the one looking in on this life, has no idea what is going on.

Well I had a dream last night:

I woke up and I was in someones apartment, but I had no idea whos...and there was writing on the ceiling...I have no idea what it said, it was about 7am.
Then someone came in the door, and I freaked, and he was like:"What are you freaking out about? I just got home that's all."
"Oh okay" (Apperently this was okay?)
Well he took all the stuff outta his pockets, i.e. cell phone, wallet, keys etc. and went to go take a shower.
I was dozing in and out of sleep and his phone starts buzzing, and it falls off the table.
Now, in the dream I was apperently dating this guy, and in real life I wouldn't pry, I'm not insecure like that, but it fell off the table, so I just went to pick it up off the ground.
The call display said: "Tiffany is calling you"
I freaked out and threw the phone across the room (haha it's my dream I can do whatever I want!).
Well it eventually stopped ringing, and then the voicemail sound went off. Grrr...
A few minutes later the text message sound went off. At this point I'm PISSED!
I read the text, it said:
"Hey, if it all goes according to plan, be sure to call me. ;-)"
He finally comes out of the shower and I kinda threw the phone at his head. (I have surprisingly good aim in my dreams!) Right between the eyes.
It was actually kinda funny!
Then I started yelling about how I knew this would eventually happen, it just had to do with his line of work, and I never should have trusted someone like him.
Your basic rebutal followed:
First, it was I don't know what your talking about.
Then, it was "It was just some drunk girl who was hanging off me I guess."
And finally it was: Well I never would have asked you to move in with me six months ago if I didn't think I could control myself. You said you would always believe me, no matter what anyone else said, you said you would trust me like I trust you. I will always trust and love you.
Apperently in my dream this was the first time he had said the word love.
My character, so to speak, then questionsed:
"Did you just say you love me?"
"Yeah I did, and I didn't want to do this right after a fight, I was going to take you out to dinner tonight." He starts to get down on one knee. "But, I guess now is as good a time as any. Anna, Will you marry me?"
I'm in total shock, in my dream that is, but I suppose I would be in real life as well!
I manage to stammer out:
"So who's Tiffany?"
"Not Tiffany a girl, Tiffany's the jewellry store. Call them back if you want."
I leapt across the bedroom, and grabbed the phone (that I had just thrown at his head). He turns to sit on the ground at the edge of the bed, watching me as I make the phone call.
A mans voice answers
"Hello, Is this ........... or Anna?"
"This is Anna."
"Hi, this is Greg from Tiffany & Co., did you have any questions for us?"
"Is my boyfriend really asking me to marry him?"
"Yes, Anna, he is.""
Oh, what do you think I should say?"
At this point .......... drops his head into his hands and shakes his shoulders in a stiffled laugh.
Greg from Tiffany & Co. answers me: "Anna, I think you should say yes, ...........loves you very much, and truely wants to spend the rest of his life with you."
"Oh, okay."
"Any other questions?"
"No, I think I'm good."
"Okay well if you don't mind, we'd all love to meet you down here. Anytime you want to come by, just say the word."
I hang up the phone, smile at ............. and say:

Then I woke up.
I knida hope this one doesn't come true, like so many of my dreams do. That's a little too much drama for me!

More time passed...thems hows it goes...

Well here we are more then half way through my absolutely insane semester at school, and it's still just as difficult!
I have school Mondays through Thursdays and work at Lola Bleu Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. To top it off, this last week I was called in on Teusday and Thursday to Lola Bleu to cover someone elses shift because the flu is going around harsh!
It did give me a feel for what my week will be like though, because I do now have another jobt at Men in Mind, where I will always be working on Teusdays and Thursdays, in the afternoons. Time for the people I want to spend time with is getting less and less, but at the same time school is coming first and then work and those people, like little french girl, middle child, and english girl, old/new friend, not to mention the new guy (no name picked yet).
Things with the new guy are good, surprisingly and slightly disturbingly good, which could explain the dream I had about him, but at the same time my dreams do have an unfortunate way of coming true, which is not good. All I know from the dream is that I'm going to be told "Something I don't want to hear." and the he is "So sorry!" WTF?!?!
I told middle child and english girl that I was worried about this, and both of them said not to worry. Then I told them I had had a dream about it and both were a little worried too.

Seriousness aside, a cute e-mail I got:

9 words women use

1.) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)

6.) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.

8.) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying F**K YOU!

9.) Don't worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to #3.

Hope this made some people smile and made a few light bulbs go off!

Decoding it all...

I'm taking a few classes this term that have really got me thinking about the way in which men and women communicate with each other.
My sociology course is just about to start the chapter on gender, and I am quite frankly looking forward to it. My prof noted on the first day of class that for all the research out there about men and women, their differences and their similarites, and how they relate to each other, 80% is based on women, written by women, and/or relating to feminist issues. Whereas only 20% is centering around masculinity and it's implications in our society.
My prof thinks this is a great injustice and while she is not an 'anti-feminist' per se she will be mostly concetrating on the issue of masculinty, especially as it refers to sports and popular culture.
In my 'history of the english language' course we are already noticing the difference in how the men and women in the class are analysing sentences, and depicting their meanings.
With all this in reeling through my mind today, I came home to find a new e-mail from my cousin.


~ 40-ish..............................49.
~ Adventurous.................Slept with everyone.
~ Athletic.............................No breasts.
~ Average looking................Moooo.
~ Beautiful...........................Pathological liar.
~ Emotionally Secure.............On medication.
~ Feminist....................................Fat.
~ Free Spirit.........................Junkie.
~ Friendship first.....................Former Slut.
~ New-Age.............................Body hair in the wrong places.
~ Old-fashioned.........................No B.J.'s
~ Open-minded.........................Desperate.
~ Out going............................Loud and embarrassing.
~ Professional...........................Bitch.
~ Voluptuous........................Very fat.
~ Large frame................................Hugely fat.
~ Wants soul mate...................Stalker.

~ Yes..........................................No
~ No...........................................Yes
~ Maybe.....................................No
~ We need.................................. I want
~ I am sorry...............................You'll be sorry
~ We need to talk....................You're in trouble
~ Sure, go ahead........................You better not
~ Do what you want....................You will pay for this later
~ I am not upset.........................Of course, I am upset, you moron!
~ You're very attentive tonight.....Is sex all you ever think about?

~ I am hungry.............................I am hungry
~ I am sleepy...............................I am sleepy
~ I am tired................................I am tired
~ Nice dress.................................Nice cleavage!
~ I love you.................................Let's have sex now
~ I am bored................................Do you want to have sex?
~ May I have this dance?..........I'd like to have sex with you.
~ Can I call you sometime?..........I'd like to have sex with you.
~ Do you want to go to a movie?....I'd like to have sex with you.
~ Can I take you out to dinner?.....I'd like to have sex with you.
~ I don't think those shoes go with that outfit..............I'm gay.

While this e-mail is pretty funny, and if you want to be ridicoulously sesitive, a little insulting, it has some truth to it.
Women don't say exactly what they mean. They don't say the first thing that comes into their mind. They think arduously and diligently about everything they say.

Coding and diciphering everything.

Men, in general do say what they mean. They don't nessecarily sugar-coat everything. What they say is more then likely what they mean.

No codes there.

Me...Look out!

About Me Personality Quiz
What is your name?:Anna
How old are you?:19
When is your Birthday?:June
What is your zodiac sign?:Gemini
Where were you born?:Vancouver
Where do you live now?:Tsawwassen
What color eyes do you have?:Hazel
What color hair do you have?:Brown
How tall are you?:5"5'
How much do you weigh? (Be Honest Ladies):140
What is your race?:White
What is your worst fear?:Someone I love dying before old age takes them
Do you smoke?:Not anymore
Do you drink?:Yeah, sometimes to much, but I'm cutting back so my liver will love me again.
Do you cuss?:Hell yes, I know not very lady like
Do you use drugs?:No
Have you ever or will you ever steal?:Ummm, not to my recollection officer
Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?:Yes
Do you play in a band or play an instrument?:No
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?:Two piercing in each ear and my lip
If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be?:I don't like people who kill other people
Do you suffer from depression disorder?:Not anymore
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?:Plane Crash, Quick, Painless (hopefully), and what a hell of a ride on the way down!
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?:No
Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else?:Yes
What subculture do you belong too?:The right one
Are you evil?:No
Do you believe that you can be possesed?:Yes
Are you a paranoid person?:Yes
Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?:Yes
Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?:Yes
Are you a violent person?:No
Do you take your anger out on other people?:No
Do you blame other people for your mistakes?:No
What is your favorite game?:Poker, Monopoly, and fucking with peoples minds!
What is your favorite movie?:Boondock Saints, or The Usual Suspects
Who is your favorite band?:I don't know?
What is your favorite song?:Depends on my mood, my taste REALLY varys
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?:True storys or biographys
What is your favorite color?:Pink
What is your favorite food?:Brocolli
What is your favorite drink?:Eggnog
Do you own a pari of converse?:No
Do you own a pair of dickies?:No
Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?:No
Are you a virgin?:Yes
Are you kinky?:No
Do you like biting?:No
Do you masturbate?:No
Do you watch pornography?:No
Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?:Yes, many a time! Blonde, Brown, Red, Black, REALLY Red, Pink, Orange
Have you ever shaved your head in a socially unacceptable way?:No
Are you hyper active person?:No, I'm pretty laid back
Are you religious?:Can be
Do you have any self inflicted scars?:Well, I was working with emotionally disturbed kids, so working with them caused harm to me (so I guess they were 'self inflicted' because it was my choice to work there)
Does pain turn you on?:No
Do you stand for originality and creativity?:Yes
Do you like meeting new people?:Yes
What do you like most about life?:The sunshine on me on a hot summer day, sitting in a park.
What do you dislike most about life?:The unknown
Do you believe in love at first fright?:Huh...Fright?
Have you ever pierced a body part yourself?:No
Have you ever had to beg for dinner money?:Yes
Do you own a car?:No
Have you been to jail, yet?:No
Are your clothes held together with safety pins?:Some, but apperently it's a fashion statement
Do you have actual scars from punk rock shows?:No
Have you ever vomit while making out?:No
Have you held a job for less than a day?:Lol Yes...Fuck you dollar store!
Do you own more than two pair of jeans?:Yes....I own 3!
Have you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?:Yes....I dislike perfection
Have you ever been kicked out of your parents house?:Not yet, but the lip ring was a BIG offensive!
Have you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude?:Yes, I was appenetly not a people person..I was serving GELATO! WTF!
Does the world piss you off?:Sometimes
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